Partition Hire


Width 120cm
Depth 5cm
Height 180cm
Price $50.00
Description Upholstered in dark grey/black fabric, feet’s, stable, freestanding
Usage Perfect for meetings, seminars, conferences, presentations

At Event Hire Sydney, our Partition panels for hire are a versatile solution for dividing large spaces, such as conference halls, exhibition venues, and office buildings. They are commonly hired for events, trade shows, and temporary setups where a flexible and customisable layout is essential.

Our freestanding partition panels can be easily moved around, making them perfect for branding or displaying artwork at schools and galleries. Measuring approximately 1.8m in height and 1.2m wide, our partition panel hire also come with feet to ensure they are stable and self-supporting.

Overall, our partition panel hire provides a flexible and adaptable option for creating customised layouts and dividing large spaces for various events and settings.